Thursday, November 30, 2006

Timeless Beauty

BEAUTY . . .
Pretty is what we can see on the surface...
Beauty is what lies within all of us
There is the obvious beauty - what is visible on the surface... your appearance.
There is the beauty that is unseen, which comes from within and radiates outward.
Have you ever looked at someone and noticed that they have that special glow about them? You couldn't pinpoint whether it was their hair, sin, outfit or, personality, but they had that special something. What is it that makes them so alluring?
Beauty is more than what we look like. Some people may define beauty as an actress at the Oscars in her stunning gown, or it could be that action hero on the big screen that takes another person's breath away. In reality, beauty is what appeals to our hearts. Beauty begins from within. As we often say, beauty is the reflection of one's inner spirit. In a recent study, a spirit full of zest, a passion for life and a healthy dose of self-confidence were ranked as 3 of the highest qualities that men found "sexy" in a woman. In addition to a woman's physique, half of those surveyed said that a woman's smile was the first thing they notices. And... we'd like to add that a smile is contagious. When you smile at someone, they can't help but smile back at you.
Now, the $64,000 question is... how do you achieve that level of confidence and self-esteem? Part of it certainly comes from what we see when we look in the mirror.
And, if we look good we feel good. When we feel good, we take better care of ourselves. Looking good is one thing; feeling good is everything! That is health living. Beauty is a combination of inner feelings and outward glow. Every woman can shine, but sometimes she needs a little help!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Direct From the Doctor

David Heber, M.D., P.h.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.N.
Chairman of the Herbalife Medical and
Scientific Advisory Boards

Weight Loss

With holiday season at hand, many people will soon be looking for help losing a few extra pounds. Below, Dr. David Heber answers questions about losing weight.
  • Q: How does protein help someone lose fat tissue instead of lean tissue?
  • A: By eating enough protein to maintain your lean tissue while losing fat, you keep your metabolism revved up. Every pound of lean tissue burns 14 calories per day compared to only about three calories burned for each pound of fat per day. So keeping the lean and losing the fat helps you burn more calories at rest. This is also called the resting metabolic rate or metabolism for short.

  • Q: How does metabolism influence weight-loss?
  • A: Whenever you eat more calories than you burn through exercise and through your metabolism at rest, you will store the extra as fat. So having a higher metabolism can help you maintain your weight by balancing calories in and calories out. Exercises that strengthen your muscles improve your ability to burn calories at rest.

  • Q: What are the benefits of plant-based protein, or soy?
  • A: Soy protein naturally has a different composition than animal proteins that makes it healthier for your blood vessels, bones and kidneys than animal protein. Soy protein also has isoflavones, which together with soy protein as found in Shapeworks Formula 1, has and FDA-approved heart-health claim. That is why you see a heart on the label.
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