Saturday, December 02, 2006

Beauty is More Than Skin Deep

Beauty is More Than Skin Deep
This is a phrase that everyone has heard and it's true. But, did you know that your skin is the body's largest organ? It comprises 15-20 % or your total weight. As the largest organ that everyone can see, it's important that it is taken care of properly.

Your skin is more than an outer shell; it's an indicator of the state of your health and reveals the story of your life. Your skin speaks volumes.

The skin provides the following:

Protection - The skin serves as a barrier from infection, pollution, trauma and the elements.

Hydratrion - Skin locks in the body's moisture. This is why you are advised to apply moisturizer after you bathe or wash your face, while your skin is still damp.

Regulation of Body Temperature - A considerable amount of heat is lost through the skin. Even under conditions of heat or exercise, the body temperature usually remains almost normal.

Excretion - The skin sweats to cool the body when it is hot and conserves heat when it is cold. In addition, small amounts of waste are excreted through perspiration.

Sense of Touch - There are many nerve endings in the skin that allow us to feel pleasure and pain, pressure and temperature.

Production of Vitamin D - Our skin's exposure to sunlight alters a substance in the sin, allowing Vitamin D to be produced. Vitamin D is necessary for the body's proper absorption of calcium and phosphates from food.

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